

Why Juncker’s ethics reforms deserve a B+

It’s September and back to school for the European Commission, which has come out with some very welcome changes to how the ethics around the institution are governed. After former President Barroso’s move to Goldman Sachs,...

How can the EU stop another Azerbaijani laundromat scheme?

Corrupt cash, Scottish shell companies, Scandinavian banks, and bribery in Strasbourg. The latest Laundromat revelations that the Azerbaijani government has been involved in a massive corruption scheme is hardly a shock after so many pan-European...

Keynesians ready to take on Brussels

Keynesians ready to take on Brussels: last month saw the end of the College of Europe’s academic year, with the Transparency Group closing conference and the Transparency International thesis prize awarded for the best anti-corruption theses:

The rains of Athens: Stopping the floods

In ancient Greek mythology when Poseidon, god of the sea, lost the competition to have patronage over Athens to the wise and peaceful goddess Athena, he was furious and flooded the plains of Attica. Today, Poseidon’s fury might have abated, but...

Who to blame when you cannot blame Brussels?

Blaming Brussels is one of the easiest techniques for any politician to make an excuse. But who do you blame when you cannot blame Brussels because you ‘are’ Brussels? The current negotiations for a mandatory EU lobby register provide an...

From Russia with Lobbying

Russian corporate lobbying in the EU happens almost exclusively in the shadows. In all time low in EU-Russia relations, Transparency International Russia shines a light on how Russian companies achieve their aims while avoiding public scrutiny.