

Trying to predict MEP allowance reform

MEP’s continue to confound our expectations when it comes to transparency and accountability of their expenses.  They receive a number of allowances to cover for the expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The General Expenditure...

Fraud and boats: funding European political parties

The reform of the funding of European Political Parties and Foundations preserves major loopholes in the current rules. Real-time public disclosure requirement for donations, loans, in-kind contributions and sponsorships is the best way of making...

The Paradise Papers – the corruption factor

There has been much in the coverage Paradise Papers about tax avoidance by celebrities and wealthy individuals, but less attention paid to how these secret companies can provide cover for corruption and other crimes. Here is a compilation of some of...

The end of limitless impunity

Will 2017 be remembered as a turning point in the global fight against corruption? Given the scale of the challenge – more than half of the 176 countries ranked in Transparency international ’s Corruption Perceptions Index could be classified as...

Joint letter to MEPs on Daphne Caruana Galizia

Following the brutal and tragic murder of the Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, Transparency International EU and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, along with other media freedom groups, call on the European...

European Parliament in Court over MEP expenses

Today, the European Court of Justice will have its first public hearing in a case brought forth by a consortium of investigative journalists, the MEPs Project, against the European Parliament. They brought the present case because of the...