
Wanted: a European leader to fight dirty money

The newly created Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) is looking for a Chair. It’s a big ask. Will this new institution be led by a true champion committed to stopping dirty money from finding its way into the EU single market, or by someone...

Transparency International is the global coalition against corruption. We are the EU office.

Transparency International EU’s mission is to prevent corruption and promote integrity, transparency and accountability in EU institutions, policies and legislation.
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Our work focuses on three key areas.

EU political integrity

We want to make decision-making in the EU as transparent as possible, so that politicians, civil servants and lobbyists could be held accountable for their actions. We also want to ensure that the EU spends its money transparently.

Financial flows & crime

We want to make sure that the vast sums of money that flow around the EU are sourced from legitimate means and have legitimate ends.

EU & anti-corruption

We focus on the EU’s attempts to faciliate anti-corruption efforts of governments in Member States and non-EU countries.


Transparency International EU advocates for strong transparency measures within EU policy, as well as greater transparency in decision-making at the EU level. You can find further projects here.

Integrity Watch

EU Integrity Watch is a central hub of online tools that allow citizens, journalists and civil society to monitor the integrity of decisions made by politicians in the EU


Whistleblowers like Antoine Deltour, Zuzana Hlávková  and Andrea Franzoso have all faced great personal and professional ramifications by exposing corruption and wrong doing in the public interest. Whistleblower protection legislation remains...

Extractive Industries Transparency

Natural resources can bring considerable amounts of wealth to a country. However, an estimated 680 million people in resource-rich countries still live on less than 2 USD per day. For these people, wealth in natural resources has failed to deliver...