

Request for proposals: development of a new website

Transparency International EU is launching a request for proposals for the development of a new organisational website. The goal of the new website is to optimise the way information on our research and advocacy are presented to the target audience,...

Halting the flow of Russian state cash for EU influence

On 1 March, ahead of the speech by Ukrainian President Zelensky, European Parliament President Metsola announced she would ban Kremlin representatives from entering the European Parliament’s premises. Transparency International EU welcomes...

12 things the EU can do NOW to help Ukraine

Putin’s Russia is waging an illegal war against Ukraine. This war was not initiated by the Russian people, who are fed a daily diet of lies and disinformation and who were made to believe that Ukraine would welcome being “rescued”....

Open letter: transparency for DSA and DMA trilogues

The following letter was sent by civil society organisations and trade unions on 1 March 2022 Dear MEP Schwab and MEP Schaldemose,Dear Minister O,Dear Executive Vice-President Vestager and Commissioner Breton, As civil society organisations and...