

How many lobbyists are there in Brussels?

It is usually one of the first questions that people have about lobbying in Brussels. How many lobbyists are there actually? How much money do they spend? And what exactly are they working on? It is also one of those questions that is still...

Sir Julian King, we have some questions…

Today, Sir Julian King will appear before the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee in Strasbourg. Sir Julian has been put forward as the UK’s EU Commissioner for Security Union. This newly...

Transparency International at the College of Europe

Over the 2015/16 academic year Transparency International EU worked closely with the College of Europe in Bruges to raise awareness on issues of corruption and democratic legitimacy among students eager to work with EU institutions in Brussels....

Rotten to the core: corporate tax & secrecy

Recently, former European Commissioner Neelie Kroes wrote on the recent Apple-tax case that: “state aid is not a cure for all ills”. While the airwaves have been full of debates on the rights and wrongs of the ruling, Kroes has hit the nail on...