

The Paradise Papers – the corruption factor

There has been much in the coverage Paradise Papers about tax avoidance by celebrities and wealthy individuals, but less attention paid to how these secret companies can provide cover for corruption and other crimes. Here is a compilation of some of...

The end of limitless impunity

Will 2017 be remembered as a turning point in the global fight against corruption? Given the scale of the challenge – more than half of the 176 countries ranked in Transparency international ’s Corruption Perceptions Index could be classified as...

How can the EU stop another Azerbaijani laundromat scheme?

Corrupt cash, Scottish shell companies, Scandinavian banks, and bribery in Strasbourg. The latest Laundromat revelations that the Azerbaijani government has been involved in a massive corruption scheme is hardly a shock after so many pan-European...

Transparency for the middle man?

Today, after a public consultation process, the European Commission published a new legislative proposal aimed at regulating the work of tax intermediaries and advisers in order to increase transparency and access to information on tax arrangements

EU citizenship for sale?

Following the 2008 financial crisis, we have seen new kinds of investor schemes blossoming across Europe.  Their names and modalities differ from one Member State to the other – the Tier 1 investor visa in the UK, the Autorização de...

Dodgy: Short & simple recipes for secrecy

This recipe shows some of the tricks and tools that people and corporations can use to hide assets and avoid tax. While the methods differ between places and people, company and individual these are some of the most common ways that are used to hide...