

Spring cleaning? Time for transparent lobbying

Spring is around the corner, or so they keep saying in spite of the cold and the grey. It’s the time of year for a spring clean, when we do away with the cobwebs and dust in dark corners. Today the European Commission is looking into doing its own...

The Eternally Unfinished Highway

If you’re planning to drive to Sicily, or Reggio Calabria or Tropea this summer you’ll likely spend some time on the A3 or Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway. The main artery through the “Mezzogiorno” or Italy’s south. Beset by vistas of...

End corruption for a sustainable future

Things were a little different back in the year 2000. Having survived the non-existent technological apocalypse which Y2K was supposed to bring about and the dreadful hairstyles of the late nineties, the United Nations came together for a Millennium...

What do we really know about them?

On the first anniversary of the LuxLeaks scandal, Transparency International EU launches its new animated video on corporate tax transparency “What do we know about them?” as part of its campaign in favour of EU legislation on country-by-country...

ERROR: Transparency Not Found

Last month the European Court of Auditors published a special report called “Efforts to address problems with public procurement in EU cohesion expenditure should be intensified”. What that translates to in non-Brussels speak is how EU funds are...

Trialogues: What goes on behind closed doors?

This post originally appeared on Euractiv As is frequently the case when political machines evolve, informal practices become conventions and then formal procedures. In the British Parliament when a new Speaker is elected he or she is physically...

Transylvanian Castles and the Curse of Corruption

Dotted among the deep green hills, fir trees and streams of Transylvania lays a string of fortified medieval Saxon churches. Beset by years of neglect and a lack of investment these beautiful historic buildings have received millions of euros in EU...