

The EU is vulnerable to secret lobbying

Next Monday marks the first political exchange between Commission, Parliament and Council on a new lobby register.While all EU institutions have voiced their strong support for more transparency, the Parliament and Council must move far beyond their...

ECJ rules that trilogues need to be transparent

An important step towards more transparent EU institutions was taken today, with the European Court of Justice’s ruling that access to documents relating to ongoing trilogues must be given by the EU institutions. In 2015, the former head of the...

Why Juncker’s ethics reforms deserve a B+

It’s September and back to school for the European Commission, which has come out with some very welcome changes to how the ethics around the institution are governed. After former President Barroso’s move to Goldman Sachs,...

Who to blame when you cannot blame Brussels?

Blaming Brussels is one of the easiest techniques for any politician to make an excuse. But who do you blame when you cannot blame Brussels because you ‘are’ Brussels? The current negotiations for a mandatory EU lobby register provide an...

From Russia with Lobbying

Russian corporate lobbying in the EU happens almost exclusively in the shadows. In all time low in EU-Russia relations, Transparency International Russia shines a light on how Russian companies achieve their aims while avoiding public scrutiny.