The team at Transparency International EU comprises nine different nationalities from a wide range of backgrounds – from politics to law, from business to linguistics, from human rights to healthcare. We have experience working in the EU institutions as well as the private sector and civil society. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to our work, but we’re united by a commitment to fighting for an EU where power is held to account for the common good.

Management Team

Jennifer Boizumault
Head of Operations
Vitor Teixeira
Senior Policy Officer - Rule of Law and Civic Space

Policy and Advocacy

Anna Terrone
Policy Officer - Illicit Financial Flows
Carolina Ferreira Gil
Policy Assistant - Rule of Law and Civic Space
Giulia Cantalupi
Policy Assistant - Illicit Financial Flows
Ilaria Schmoland
Policy Assistant - Data-Driven Advocacy
Lauren Ernwein
EU Policy Trainee
Mohamed Saho
EU Policy Trainee
Shari Hinds
Policy Officer - EU Political Integrity
Raphaël Kergueno
Senior Policy Officer - Data-driven Advocacy
Tjaša Feher
Policy Officer - Rule of Law and Protection of EU Financial Interests


Pia Engelbrecht-Bogdanov
Policy and Communications Officer