

How can we track EU spending across Europe?

Now that the debate about the EU across member states heightens, those in favour of less Europe paint a picture of money-squandering institutions and unaccountable “eurocrats”. But with so much rumour and speculation it begs the questions: how...

Integrity Pacts & safeguarding EU funds

At Transparency International we have developed a tool to help governments, businesses and civil society fight corruption in the field of public procurement. Integrity Pacts are an agreement between a government offering a procurement contract and...

The Human Cost of Corporate Secrecy

Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet, two former PwC Luxembourg employees, are the whistleblowers behind the LuxLeaks revelations. They are accused of having shared documents with French journalist Edouard Perrin – also standing trial in Luxembourg....

What does the Anti-Corruption Summit mean for the EU?

The global Anti-Corruption Summit hosted by UK Prime Minister David Cameron today has resulted in a number of commitments by the assembled governments, which so far includes 10 EU countries (Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the...