Lucinda Pearson

Senior Communications Officer

Lucinda joined TI EU in August 2018 as the Communication Officer and is responsible for the external communications of the organisation. Prior to joining the team, she was in charge of communications at the European Movement International. Lucinda also has experience in sustainability communication and communication consulting. She holds a BA in French and Chinese Studies and an MA in Contemporary Chinese Studies from The University of Nottingham.

Lucinda's Projects

European Union Integrity Study 2.0

An update to our 2014 study on the transparency, integrity and accountability of the main EU institutions

Recent News


EU Council: Stop watering down tax transparency proposals

Not that long ago the word “tax” for most people would mean something rather boring and technical, for only accountants and lawyers to deal with. This has changed dramatically in recent years. Scandal after scandal, starting with Offshore Leaks...

Has the EU Council even heard about the Panama Papers?

2016 has been dotted with major leaks into how the rich, powerful and corrupt utilise the global financial system to hide their wealth, be it from the tax man or the law. But after the Panama Papers, the Bahamas leaks and the Football leaks, how...

Business Europe as usual?

We thought we’d take a look at the arguments against transparency being made by Business Europe by taking a look at their paper published last July and address some of their main concerns.